2023 // 18 Minutes // PG-13

In a futuristic metropolis, Brinn, a diligent droid, lives with fellow mechanical companions. However, an unsettling revelation shatters Brinn's routine: every droid in the city receives updates except him, designated on the elusive "Do Not Update" list. Puzzled and isolated, Brinn embarks on a quest for answers, uncovering hidden truths about his origins and purpose. As he navigates the city's underbelly, encountering other overlooked and abandoned droids, Brinn learns the value of individuality and resilience. Empowered by his uniqueness, Brinn spearheads a movement, uniting forgotten droids to challenge the norm, advocating for self-acceptance in a world fixated on conformity.

Directed By

Jon & Nate Allison

Produced by

Tommy Anderson & Danny Castro


Night Visitor


A Simple Favor